Our Mission
Our primary objective is to reach out to our Jewish brothers and sisters who are involved in the various religions and cults of the nations and try to influence them to return back home to Torah Judaism. The most dominant threat in the Western World is Christianity in its many forms, especially the Messianic movement and the offshoots of the mainstream Messianic movement, so the majority of this site will deal with Christianity. A secondary objective is to help bring non-Jews into observance of the seven laws of Noah by publicising the greatness of the One G-d of Israel and teaching anyone who is willing to learn about and grow closer to our G-d. It is not our goal to seek to gain converts to Judaism, and anyone who expresses a desire to convert to Judaism will be referred to an Orthodox rabbi near them.
To accomplish our objectives, we: 1. Make it our business to influence wayward Jews to return home to Judaism in a friendly, caring, and loving manner. 2. Attend Messianic conferences with the intent of providing a positive Jewish experience for the halachically valid Jews there by holding prayer services outside of the conference rooms that anyone is encouraged to join, passing out pamphlets that show from the Tanach why and how the Messianic movement and Messianic beliefs are incompatible with the Torah, answering any sincere questions about Judaism that anyone may have, and teaching the path of Torah to anyone willing to listen. 3. Provide a warm and inviting atmosphere that doesn't condemn or force the Torah on anyone unwilling to accept it. 4. Encourage our fellow Jews to do a mitzvah, even a small one, in the hopes that one mitzvah will lead to another. 5. Teach the Noahide laws to any non-Jew we have the opportunity to teach so that we may truly become the "light to the nations" that we are commanded to be. |
Our purpose is not to make converts to Judaism. We are not authorised to formally convert anyone, nor do we intend to try to convince non-Jews to convert to Judaism through any halachic authority. Anyone who feels that they want to convert to Judaism should contact the closest Orthodox synagogue and schedule an appointment with the rabbi to discuss conversion, and we would be happy to get you the contact information for any synagogues that are in your area. This website is only trying to reach our fellow Jews, but we are aware that there will probably be a significant number of non-Jewish visitors to this site. You should know that all humans, including you, are created in the image of the Creator and He wants to see you worship and obey Him alone. He loves you and wants a relationship with you regardless of whether or not you're Jewish, but that relationship cannot be a good one if you're involved in a false religion. The majority of what's on this website will most likely touch on some very sensitive topics of your religious beliefs. If you don't want to learn the truth about our Creator according to Torah, and you choose to accept the doctrines that you've inherited in whatever religion you belong to, we suggest that you don't read any more information on this site until you feel like you are ready. It is not our intent to upset anyone, but many of our posts are most likely going to upset some people, since religion can be a sensitive subject. We apologise if the contents of this website offend any of you, we are only presenting the truth that was given to the Jewish people from G-d.